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Does Vaping Weed Stunt Growth? Read Here

Can Vaping Weed Stunt Your Growth? Is It Harmful To Vape Weed? Consuming marijuana at a young age can have negative effects on teens, but can it stunt growth when consumed via vaping? Vaping weed could possibly stunt growth and cause early puberty in boys, consuming nicotine and smoking marijuana at a young age can also interfere with brain development.  In our guide below, we… Read More »Does Vaping Weed Stunt Growth? Read Here

Do Weed Vape Pens Cause Second Hand Smoke?

Are Weed Vape Pens Dangerous? Do They Produce Secondhand Smoke? Most of us know that second hand smoking cigarettes can have harmful negative health effects, but what about second hand smoking from weed vape pens? Is it harmful? Weed vape pens can release second hand smoke just like regular smoking, although it’s unlikely to make someone ‘high’ it can still have health effects when inhaled.… Read More »Do Weed Vape Pens Cause Second Hand Smoke?

Can Vape From Weed Make Cats Sick? Read More About It.

If you weed vape often at home, you might be wondering if the second-hand smoke from your vape could potentially be making your furry friend sick?  It is possible that weed could make your cat sick if the vapour was ingested in large amounts, however, it’s more likely they would get sick from the vape juice or by eating the plant directly than inhaling second-hand… Read More »Can Vape From Weed Make Cats Sick? Read More About It.

Can I Vape Weed In Public? Read On!

With retail cannabis products hitting the shelves in many legalized states, you may be curious where exactly you can use cannabis infused products. With such a variety of products available, from CBD oil to THC containing vaping products, knowing the law is very important. Can you vape weed in public? No, and you shouldn’t under any circumstance. Not only are marijuana products subject to the… Read More »Can I Vape Weed In Public? Read On!

Can You Vape Weed With Invisalign?

Is It Possible To Vape With Invisalign? If you’ve recently got Invisalign you want to be making sure you are taking care of your teeth for the best results, if you vape weed you might be wondering if this could potentially affect your Invisalign?  You should not technically smoke or vape with Invisalign since it could potentially stain and discolour your teeth. We’ve put together… Read More »Can You Vape Weed With Invisalign?