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Is Decarbing Weed And Adding To Vape Juice Dangerous? Let’s Find Out!

If you’re new to vaping and consuming cannabis flower, you may be curious how to get the most out of your favorite strains. On the other hand, you may just be curious about making your own homemade vape juice and avoiding large cannabis vape companies. Is decarbing weed and adding it to vape juice dangerous? If you don’t know what you’re doing, then yes. However,… Read More »Is Decarbing Weed And Adding To Vape Juice Dangerous? Let’s Find Out!

Can You Use Vaped Weed In A Yogurt?

Can Vaped Weed Be Put In Yogurt? If you are looking for ways to make use of your ABV leftovers rather than throwing those cannabinoids away, you might be wondering if you could put them in yoghurt? Well, you can indeed put your ABV in yoghurt if you are feeling experimental, you should consider that this already vaped weed however can taste bitter if the… Read More »Can You Use Vaped Weed In A Yogurt?

Can You Eat Vaped Weed? Learn Here

After a vape session, you may be curious to know about ABV or AVB Weed. ABV and AVB, standing for Already Been Vaped and Already Vaped Bud respectively, don’t always have to go to waste however.  Can you eat vaped weed? Yes! Although you can’t eat the gel capsule directly for obvious choking hazards, all you need is a few extra steps to get your… Read More »Can You Eat Vaped Weed? Learn Here