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cannabis leaf

Should You Feed Cannabis When Transplanting? – Let’s Try To Find Out!

Cannabis is a plant that has been around for a long time, and it’s useful in many ways though there are some reasonable concerns about the side effects of this plant. Cannabis plants are often treated just like other plants, and they are often transplanted. If you do this, there are some questions that you should be asking. Is it safe to feed the cannabis… Read More »Should You Feed Cannabis When Transplanting? – Let’s Try To Find Out!

cutting weed from its plant

Does Vaping Weed Have Tar? Find Out Here!

Tobacco products are notorious for the respiratory issues they cause, with marijuana smoke often being related to these problems. However, effects of marijuana use (especially with vapes) are often not understood correctly.  Does vaping weed have tar? No! Vaping products do not contain the harmful tar found in cigarettes or other smoking products (so technically you cannot die from vaping weed) Tar is often one… Read More »Does Vaping Weed Have Tar? Find Out Here!

star shaped bud on cannabis leaf plant

Is Vaping Weed Bad For Your Voice? Find Out Here!

Vocal cords can be sensitive things, much like any part of the human anatomy. We have all heard stories or experienced “Smoker’s Voice” first hand, but can smoking marijuana have the same effect? How about vaping weed? Is vaping weed bad for your voice? Yes! However, it might not affect your vocal cords in the way you’re thinking. Rather than any particular chemical in marijuana,… Read More »Is Vaping Weed Bad For Your Voice? Find Out Here!

a few cannabis leaves

Does Vaping Weed Cause Mucus? Find Out Here!

With the health effects of smoking cigarettes now ingrained into the public’s health conscience, cigarette smoking has taken a serious downturn and been replaced largely by vaping. This alternative to smoking tobacco has also extended to cannabis. Does vaping cause mucus? Yes, however the respiratory symptoms from vaped marijuana are no worse than cigarette smoking, according to a current study. The association between cannabis smoking… Read More »Does Vaping Weed Cause Mucus? Find Out Here!

high definition detailed cannabis bud purple leaves

Can I Vape Weed After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Learn More Here!

A common dental condition involves growing wisdom teeth, but the healing process can take a while. So how long should you wait after the tooth extraction before vaping? Is vaping after tooth extraction really that bad? Can I vape weed after wisdom teeth removal? In the hours after tooth extraction, it is best to avoid vaping to help the healing process.  Sensitive nerve endings post… Read More »Can I Vape Weed After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Learn More Here!

high definition detailed cannabis bud purple leaves

Can Cannabis Help Brain Tumors? Find Out Here!

Cannabis is among the oldest therapeutic herbs, having been utilized for a number of reasons throughout history. From a topical pain-relieving for skin conditions to an ingredient in a variety of herbal remedies, and even used as a medical tool to relieve symptoms of epilepsy in ancient times, it is no surprise that the cannabis plant was discovered to contain cannabinoids. Specifically, the substance known… Read More »Can Cannabis Help Brain Tumors? Find Out Here!