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What Is Cannabis Intoxication? Learn More About It.

Cannabis is famous for its ability to get you high. It’s a psychoactive drug that affects the brain’s ability to respond to external stimuli. Depending on a person’s genetics, a tolerance can build up and cause an increase in marijuana’s effect. Cannabis intoxication is one of the many effects that can arise when a person consumes cannabis. It’s a combination of the effects of THC… Read More »What Is Cannabis Intoxication? Learn More About It.

person weighing cannabis with a jar in the background

What Kind Of Vape Should I Get For Weed? Here’s Our Answer!

For those unfamiliar, vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products, and with the variety of different types, prices, and flavors, it can be hard to choose the one that’s right for you. But there are no standards for vaping equipment, so you should pick a vape out yourself in accordance with your own style. There are also different types… Read More »What Kind Of Vape Should I Get For Weed? Here’s Our Answer!

cannabis leaf

What’s Cannabis Psychosis? Find Out Here!

Can Smoking Cannabis Cause Psychosis? – Our Guide Psychosis is a condition where someone becomes detached from reality, since cannabis has been linked with other mental health problems, many people wonder if this drug could cause psychosis too.  Cannabis-induced psychosis can happen, this condition occurs shortly after or during cannabis smoking and can trigger delusions, hallucinations and behavioural changes. In our guide below, we will… Read More »What’s Cannabis Psychosis? Find Out Here!

white girl vaping

Can You Get Addicted To Vaping Weed? Here’s Our Answer!

You may be aware of the recent news about the apparent increase in the number of cannabis users, which has led to some questions regarding how much cannabis one can consume before becoming addicted. Yes, you can get addicted to vaping. Vaping contains nicotine which is a stimulant. Caffeine and nicotine are the most common stimulants in tobacco. Vaping provides a similar experience to smoking… Read More »Can You Get Addicted To Vaping Weed? Here’s Our Answer!