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How Cannabis Can Affect The Adolescent Brain?

First, let’s define the teenage brain. Social, emotional, and behavioral changes typically occur in adolescence, and these are some of the most challenging times of a child’s life.

For many children, the transition to adulthood is accompanied by mood swings, growing independence, and a loss of empathy for others.

In adolescents, the adolescent brain is undergoing rapid development and plasticity. Brain development is set off by the use of chemicals and hormones that are part of normal physiological development.

At this time, there is a substantial increase of the release of dopamine. The brain is also going through a period of complex brain wiring.

The adolescent brain is still maturing and therefore susceptible to impairment by the use of alcohol. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that cannabis can alter the adolescent brain, in ways that can negatively contribute to problems with future decision making, especially in the long term.

Adolescents and cannabis use: Impact on the developing brain

Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs in the United States. It is mostly used for recreational purposes, with up to 25% of people between the ages of 12 and 17 using it.

However, there is a growing concern about possible negative effects of cannabis use on the developing brain, especially in teenagers.

Frequent marijuana use may affect the brain’s ability to develop fully. Marijuana use can impair thinking and memory, and may cause paranoia and psychosis in some people.

  • Anxiety. 

The truth is, cannabis can cause anxiety, but so can alcohol, tobacco and many other drugs.

  • Depression.

Smoking marijuana can lead to depression. This is because marijuana contains the chemical THC. THC is one of the active chemical compounds in marijuana. In addition, one of the most serious side effects of marijuana use is that it causes a person to lose motivation and become lethargic.

  • Paranoia 

There is a growing body of evidence showing that people taking cannabis are more likely to develop paranoia and schizophrenia as opposed to those who do not.

The reason for this is not fully understood but is thought to be a biochemical effect of the cannabinoids in cannabis causing changes in the brain which manifest in schizophrenia and paranoia.

People often find that they have paranoia and start to believe that everyone is out to get them. This is often a result of a hallucinatory effect of cannabis called ‘Paranoia’.

Some people also find that they become suspicious and mistrustful of others, and start to think that everybody is out to get them. They may also become distrustful of friends and family, and even think that they are being watched.

Paranoia can also be a breeding ground for depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

  • Psychosis

While cannabis use is common in the UK, an increasing number of people are exhibiting signs of cannabis psychosis, which means they are experiencing hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and other psychotic symptoms.

The cause of this psychosis is not well understood, but there are a number of theories that explain how cannabis use may lead to psychosis. Studies show that a number of people with a family history of psychosis have been found to have an increased risk of developing psychosis, especially if they use cannabis.

Other impact of cannabis that can cause in your adulthood 

There are a few problems that can affect you in your adulthood that you should be aware of. Some of them are well known, such as; being under the influence of alcohol whilst driving, being involved in accidents or taking drugs.

Cannabis contains over 500 chemicals, some of which are found in the human body.

While the drug’s effects are typically described as being “psychoactive”, that is a misnomer, since it is the human body that is the active agent in the case of cannabis. The drug is not physically addictive, but it does have a psychological dependency that can be hard to break.

Marijuana is widely believed to alter the way the brain functions. Scientists have even discovered that a child’s brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. Marijuana can affect the memory, judgement and learning ability of teenagers.

  • Lost of motivation. 

Anxiety, lack of motivation, and lack of confidence are all common side effects of cannabis. Not only that, but you are also more likely to be fired for an illegal drug test when you are high than sober.

If you are a regular cannabis consumer, you should take steps to minimize the impact of these side effects on your mood.

  • Can lead to violence.

A 20-year-old man was attacked this week by four men who he had been asking for a cigarette. He was left with a broken wrist and a broken nose.

The man explained that he had been asked for a cigarette by the four men who then became violent and broke his nose and fractured his wrist. The victim has been charged with possession of cannabis and awaits trial.

As we know, the use of cannabis has been increasing within the UK. There have been many arguments and claims made about the use of cannabis and violence. There are a lot of cases reported of people being violent with no reason.

  • Emotional impaired.

Mental impairment is a huge issue in today’s society, and it has been ever since the first cannabis smoker sat down for a smoke. Cannabis users are often thought to be dangerous, violent and in need of a stint in a mental institution.

We are all aware of the different ways cannabis can lead to emotional wellbeing. This is especially true for those who are going through a difficult time or have found themselves in a situation that may be emotionally jarring. Marijuana is a natural medicine that can help reduce stress, pain and nausea.

But over using it and being addictive to it can cause you problems. And can lead you to any mental disorder illness.

  • Hallucination. 

Hallucinations are something that can be caused by alcohol, drugs, or even brain damage. However, one of the most interesting ways in which cannabis can lead to hallucinations is related to anxiety. 

What is the primary cause of addiction?

Addiction is a disorder that is described as a recurring desire for a substance to which one is physically incapable of giving up. It is this desire that is at the heart of drug addiction. 

The body’s natural state of wanting to continue consuming whatever it is it is consuming. The brain’s reward centers associate consuming a substance with those good feelings that result from consuming that substance.

The body has been trained to tell itself that the thing it is eating or drinking or smoking is rewarding in some way, and that it therefore has a right to consume it. In other words, it has been trained to crave it.

In-short addiction is the repeated use of a substance or behavior despite the negative consequences to the individual.

What are the 4 levels of addiction?

The drug of choice for many, including the heads of our country, is Cannabis, also known as marijuana. Everyone knows the effects of it, but not everyone knows what each stage of its use.

Everyone has different triggers for different things. For some people, it’s peanut butter, others are drawn to a specific type of music, or maybe a certain type of food. For some, it’s a certain type of drug.

For some, it’s a certain type of alcohol. For others, it’s a different type of drug. One thing we all have in common though, is the fact that we can become addicted to something.

When it comes to addiction, the more people know, the more they are able to learn about the addiction and they are able to help themselves. I will talk about some of the most popular types of addiction today, and why they are dangerous.

Addiction is not just about drugs and alcohol. It is a mental health issue first and foremost; but it can also have physical and emotional consequences.

From the perspective of someone who has experimented with all of the different levels of addiction, I can tell you that it is not an easy process to climb up the levels of addiction, or to get into the second and third levels of addiction.

There is a lot of research that I have done on the different levels of addiction, and this is why I have decided to write this blog post about how you can get into the different levels of addiction, and what causes addiction.

The 4 levels of addiction are:

  1. Physical Dependence — Physical dependence occurs when your body depends on a drug to function normally.
  2. Psychological Dependence — Psychological dependence occurs when you desire to take a drug because it is pleasurable.
  3. Dependence — Dependence occurs when you have a physical or psychological need for a drug.
  4. Addiction — Addiction occurs when you cannot control your drug use.

What are the 4 stages of recovery?

the four stages of recovery are not always the same for everyone. If you relapse, you may not go through the same stages, and this is what makes quitting such a difficult process.

If you have made it through the fourth stage, congratulations! (Although it’s worth noting that many people relapse multiple times before they reach this stage.)

The 4 stages of recovery are:

  • Acceptance.

In recovery there is a saying “You are never too far gone to recover” This is true but it can be a difficult process at times. It can be like a time bomb waiting to go off.

The first stage of recovery is acceptance, to be able to accept that there really is nothing you can do to change the situation. But to accept it and moving on to help yourself to recover from addiction.

  • Action.

Action is when you do the things that you are going to do.

  • Maintenance.

Maintenance is the time after you have completed action where you are focusing on not having another slip, but also on maintaining all the other things you have in your life.

  • Rebuild.

As we all know by now, addiction is not a choice, only the person addicted chooses to do the drugs. No matter what the advert says or how many drugs are being used the addiction is still there.

The only way to stop this addiction is to create a new life with a new job and to take the family with you.

In this stage, you will want to rebuild your life without the substance you were addicted to.

What can parents do to avoid their youngsters using cannabis?

A lot of parents are in a state of worry that their children will start to use cannabis. Many kids use cannabis as a way to fit in, to become a part of the crowd, so they can fit in with others of their age.

This is because they do not want to be alone. Parents are worried as cannabis can cause them to lose their job, their home and their freedom. Many parents will try to stop their child using cannabis but these are failed attempts as their child will just find other ways to get the use out of their cannabis.

Here some ways that can help you as a parent to prevent your children’s from using cannabis.

  • Parents can avoid youngsters smoking cannabis by talking to them frequently about the drug and ensuring they haven’t been exposed to it.
  • The best way to help your youngster avoid cannabis is to open a conversation with them. Discuss your values and how their use of cannabis could affect their future.
  • Educate them on what is the negative side effects of using cannabis.
  • Always have a time to bond with your children’s.
  • Teach them good deeds and how to be a responsible teenager.
  • Guide them on how to solve problems in life and how to asses every challenges in life they will encounter.
  • Enroll them to a good school.
  • Always give support to them in a good way.
  • Bring them closer to God.

Can i enroll my youngster in a rehabilitation center?

If you wish to enroll your youngster in a rehabilitation center, you will have to reach out to a special rehabilitation program for teenagers. These centers specialize in treating adolescents, and they offer a good deal of help for those who have problems with smoking or using cannabis.

There is a rise in kids being sent to rehab for nicotine addiction, and you may be wondering if this is the right thing to do. The truth is that there are a lot of things to consider.

Is it worth sending your child to a rehab? This is a question that parents and guardians are faced with on a daily basis. If the child is not physically and/or mentally handicapped, there is a chance the child will have a better life in a rehab facility.

When sending your child to a rehab, you need to consider the following points:

  • The type of rehab.

A rehabilitation center, which can consist of a number of different types of programs. Some of these programs will involve detoxing your child, while others may involve long term treatment, such as inpatient or outpatient programs.

There are also programs that cater towards the needs of children with addictions to specific substances.

  • Whether the rehab is affordable to you.

A lot of us parents have wanted to send our children away to get help for a substance problem only to find ourselves in a place where we have to worry about how to pay for it.

Even if you have insurance or a family plan, you may find that your child’s rehab costs much more than you expected and this will put you in a very tough situation. You may feel that you need to just go ahead and get help for your child, but you must consider the potential costs, as well as the benefits.

Ryan Hamilton

Ryan Hamilton

Im Ryan, a Medical Cannabis Activist & Blog Owner @ I started the blog as a medium to answer questions and grow the awareness of the herb. Along with the medicinal properties, cannabis can help grown the economy with its vast amount of taxable finances. Less violent properties than alcohol, cannabis legalisation is inevitable.

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