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Does Cannabis Have Any Drug Interactions?

Can I Take Cannabis While Using Medication? – Our Guide If you’re taking marijuana for recreational purposes or medical reasons, you need to make sure you are not taking any other medication which could possibly interact with this drug.  When taking cannabis, the cannabinoids in marijuana could potentially react with blood thinners, anti-depressant/anxiety medications and sedatives. Down below, we’ve taken you through in more detail… Read More »Does Cannabis Have Any Drug Interactions?

a few cannabis leaves

Does Cannabis Repel Mosquitoes? Read Here

Mosquitoes are extremely sensitive to smell and will avoid areas they believe or know to be populated by large amounts of humans. They are also repelled by the smell of smoke, particularly tobacco smoke. This is why many people who smoke report that mosquitoes are less attracted to them than their non-smoking counterparts. The smell of cannabis is similar to the smell of tobacco smoke.… Read More »Does Cannabis Repel Mosquitoes? Read Here

Are Cannabis And Weed The Same? Find Out Here

There’s a lot of confusion around the differences between the terms ‘weed’ and ‘cannabis‘. The word ‘weed’ is slang for ‘cannabis’, but there are other meanings, too. Some associate the word with illegal drug use, while others see it as slang for ‘herb’. Let’s take a closer look at the origins of the words and how they relate to cannabis and weed. The plant material… Read More »Are Cannabis And Weed The Same? Find Out Here

How Cannabis Is Changing The California Desert? Let’s Find Out!

The California Desert, which covers more than 7.5 million acres of dry desert, is one of the most sparsely populated areas in the United States. This land has been occupied by indigenous peoples for thousands of years and has been a site of settlement and tribal warfare for many more. The first European to discover the California Desert was John Charles Fremont, who led a… Read More »How Cannabis Is Changing The California Desert? Let’s Find Out!

How Many Cannabis Strains Are There?

There are 4 strains of cannabis: equal parts sativa (dominant) and indica (suppressant), or equal parts sativa and indica. The cannabis plant is one of the oldest plants on the planet, and its seeds have been found in the oldest civilizations. Its medicinal effects have been recorded and used as far back as the Egyptians. It is now the second most traded commodity in the… Read More »How Many Cannabis Strains Are There?