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Im Ryan, a Medical Cannabis Activist & Blog Owner @ I started the blog as a medium to answer questions and grow the awareness of the herb. Along with the medicinal properties, cannabis can help grown the economy with its vast amount of taxable finances. Less violent properties than alcohol, cannabis legalisation is inevitable.

hand holding cannabis leaves

Will Cannabis Grow In Compost? – Find Out Here

Will cannabis grow in compost? The cannabis industry is awash with craze as growers, dispensaries, and home cultivators alike strive to find the best way to cultivate and harvest the plant. Cannabis is a great plant, but it doesn’t grow as well in natural soil environments. It’s why with most dispensaries and growing operations, you normally see it grown outdoors in greenhouses. But, there’s an… Read More »Will Cannabis Grow In Compost? – Find Out Here

cannabis leaf and tincture

Can Cannabis Oil Help With Parkinson’s? Read It Here!

Can cannabis oil help with Parkinson’s? For some people, this is a legitimate question. They had read, seen, or heard about a post on a forum, blog, or Facebook that talked about how cannabis oil has helped recover from Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system that may affect how a person moves, thinks, feels, and acts. It is most… Read More »Can Cannabis Oil Help With Parkinson’s? Read It Here!

a few cannabis leaves

Does Cannabis Repel Mosquitoes? Read Here

Mosquitoes are extremely sensitive to smell and will avoid areas they believe or know to be populated by large amounts of humans. They are also repelled by the smell of smoke, particularly tobacco smoke. This is why many people who smoke report that mosquitoes are less attracted to them than their non-smoking counterparts. The smell of cannabis is similar to the smell of tobacco smoke.… Read More »Does Cannabis Repel Mosquitoes? Read Here

selection of weed vapes

How To Make Your Own Weed Vape Juice? Our Guide Here!

When it comes to vaping weed, there are some people who claim homemade e-juice is the way to go. They say it’s more effective at delivering the active ingredients in cannabis, more potent, and safer than smoking it. However, many others believe it’s still not worth the risk of getting a poor-quality product that has questionable potency. That’s why the majority of cannabis smokers prefer… Read More »How To Make Your Own Weed Vape Juice? Our Guide Here!

huge greenhouse filled with cannabis plants

Can Dogs Smell Weed Vape Cartridges? Let’s Find Out!

If you’re thinking about picking up an electronic vaporizer, you might be wondering what chemicals your dog can smell, and if you should keep it out of your home.  Dogs can smell the vapors of concentrated marijuana in the air and will alert their owners whenever they detect a scent. This can be a problem when people leave their marijuana vaporizer pen in an open… Read More »Can Dogs Smell Weed Vape Cartridges? Let’s Find Out!