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Should You Feed Cannabis When Transplanting? – Let’s Try To Find Out!

cannabis leaf

Cannabis is a plant that has been around for a long time, and it’s useful in many ways though there are some reasonable concerns about the side effects of this plant.

Cannabis plants are often treated just like other plants, and they are often transplanted. If you do this, there are some questions that you should be asking.

Is it safe to feed the cannabis plant on the event of replanting? When is the right time to replant cannabis?

To start off, yes you should feed cannabis when transplanting to encourage quicker root growth and healthier plants. You should also feed your plants with nutrients for a successful transplant.

The more you feed your plant, the faster it grows. This is beneficial as the nutrients gives the plant the energy to produce the buds we all want.

This means that if you do not feed your plant, it is going to be a lot slower to produce buds. When it comes to a cannabis grow, as a grower, you have to decide whether you want to produce good quality buds.

Why is Cannabis transplanting important?

Marijuana has been illegal for so long that plants have been bred to have different levels of THC (the chemical that causes the “high” feeling) and CBD (the chemical that causes you to “feel” better) in order to avoid the federal drug laws.

The primary reason to transplant cannabis plants is to control the growing environment. Cannabis transplanting is important because it can increase the health, productivity, and yield of the plant by as much as 10%.

The effects of not transplanting your marijuana properly can include not getting the maximum amount of THC from your plant. If you do not transplant your marijuana, you cannot get it to grow to its full potential.

When to transplant Cannabis plant?

How to determine on when to transplant your cannabis plant? You might want to consider the tips below:

  • Transplanting cannabis plants can done when you want to move them from their current planter to a larger pot as it has outgrown its initial pot.
  • If you are planning to repot your plant, you should understand that we need to do it as soon as possible, when the plant is still young. If the plant is already too big, it will be much harder to transplant it.
  • It can also be done immediately after the seedling has sprouted, at the time you see the first signs of the roots going out of the initial pot.
  • You can transplant cannabis plant when you noticed that your plant has stopped growing for the reason that the current pot can no longer provide enough oxygen and other nutrients for your plant.

Most probably, it would be best for your cannabis plant to be transplanted sooner when it is young, healthy and actively growing. Waiting too long to transplant your cannabis plant might cause more harm than you thought.

What is “Transplant Shock”?

Cannabis transplant shock is a phenomenon that happens to new cannabis plants when they are moved to a new environment.

This regularly occurs when the plant is moved to a new environment. The shock will appear as a decline in growth and vigor and can lead to death if left untreated.

Plants experiencing transplant shock is not uncommon to happen with plants being moved from one state to anther.

Technically, the plant draws water from the soil and sends it to the leaves. When the roots are not planted in well-draining soil, the leaves will draw water from the soil, which can dehydrate and shock the plant.

Transplant shock is a temporary condition that can occur when a marijuana plant is re-potted. The shock is caused by a decrease in pH that can be remedied by watering the plant with a special mixture of water.

What is Root bound?

When you think about what is occurring in the world of cannabis, plant root bound is one of the terms you might have heard, but don’t really understand. Here, we take a look at exactly what root bound means, the causes, and the effects of it.

Cannabis is an essential part of the modern world, but you can’t get too high on it.

Cannabis root bound is a condition in which the plant is unable to absorb nutrients from the soil, and the plant begins to grow side shoots that can’t absorb the nutrients that the plant needs.

It’s not uncommon to see roots that are 5-15 cm in length, and in more severe cases, the plant can begin to shoot upwards. A plant root bound is a plant in which the roots are confined in too small a pot for them to grow freely. 

It can also happen when the roots are unable to reach the water source to replenish their water.  The plant will start to wilt, and the leaves will start to yellow.  The leaves will start to curl and will eventually die.  This is the result of  severely dry soil, caused by a lack of water source.

The soil around a cannabis plant’s roots is filled with water and nutrients, but can become saturated. When this happens, the roots can no longer take in water or nutrients. If left unaddressed, plant roots can die and the plant will eventually die.

Signs of your plant being Root bound

Roots need air to breathe, so rootbound plants have a higher tendency to suffer from over watering, and if this is done for a while, the plant can actually drown.Signs that your plant is rootbound:

  • You have a majority of the plant in the soil, but some of it is stuck at the bottom of the soil
  • Another thing is that the plant has a large amount of soil around the roots, as opposed to vegging out in a nutrient rich tray
  • Also, it is when the plant has a few tiny leaves, but an overwhelming majority is in the soil
  • Furthermore, your plant is likely root bound when you can see the center of the plant, but the leaves are mostly on the bottom.
  • If you look closely at the roots of the plant, you can see that they are not growing into the soil as they should.
  • You can tell a plant is root bound if you notice that the nodes are smaller than the leaves, and the branches are longer than the leaves.
  • When comparing it with other cannabis plants on another pot, you would notice that it is smaller.

Basically, the most important sign showing that plants are root bound are when plants have less room for roots to grow. However, the signs are different for each strain.

Root bound implies that there are roots growing into the soil of the pot, which is a very bad thing. Roots need air to breathe, so rootbound plants have a higher tendency to suffer from over watering, and if this is done for a while, the plant can actually drown.

How to Prevent and Fix Root bound Cannabis

One of the main problems with growing your cannabis in soil is that it is very easy to get root bound.

This means that you may have lots of healthy cannabis in the vegetative but still be unable to get any more than a few grams at a time because the roots are full and unable to take any more.

There are some steps that you can take to prevent your cannabis from becoming root bound. Here are some tips to avoid root bound:

  • If you have a cannabis plant that is root bound, you should repot it into a larger vase, and increase the amount of water that you give it.
  • Roots should not touch the bottom of the pot. This can cause the root ball to be “bound” to the bottom of the pot. This leads to poor growing conditions and death of the plant.
  • To avoid root binding, cannabis plants should be transplanted from their seedling pots into slightly larger containers at least once a month. This prevents the roots from filling the pot and becoming bound.
  • You can avoid root bound by adding plenty of rooting tools.
  • The cannabis plant should be placed in a well-drained soil.

How to properly transplant Cannabis

As a plant, cannabis has a wide variety of uses, from medicine to recreation, and success stories are plentiful. 

However, like any other plant, cannabis can be invasive if left to its own devices. This is when grafting comes in.

While it may be a little more complicated than transplanting a tomato, the result is a cannabis plant that is healthy, strong and ready to be used.

This guide will teach you how to transplant cannabis plant.

  • To transplant your female cannabis plant, you should allow her to grow to around 6 inches tall and then transplant her into a pot 2-3 inches larger than the previous pot.
  • The cannabis plant doesn’t like the root disturbance, so you should handle it very carefully.
  • You should water the plant before and after the transplanting. The cannabis plant is very sensitive to the temperature fluctuation.
  • Transplant a cannabis plant by digging a hole twice the size of the root ball of the cannabis plant in an area of your garden that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight.
  • Most importantly, when transplanting, make sure the root ball is completely intact, with no breaks.
  • One trick would be to transplant in the fall when the temperature is cooler and the air is drier.

Growing a crop of your own marijuana is one thing, but what are your chances of success if you want to transplant it? And what do you have to watch out for?

Growing your own marijuana is tricky enough, but the process of transplanting it is even trickier, because it involves taking care of the roots and the plant’s entire lifecycle.

Trying whichever applies to your plant considering climate and weather condition is vital. After all, trial and error is the best way to find the right method for your plant.

Ryan Hamilton

Ryan Hamilton

Im Ryan, a Medical Cannabis Activist & Blog Owner @ I started the blog as a medium to answer questions and grow the awareness of the herb. Along with the medicinal properties, cannabis can help grown the economy with its vast amount of taxable finances. Less violent properties than alcohol, cannabis legalisation is inevitable.

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